Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Did You Know? – August

An interim government, also called a provisional or caretaker government, is a temporary government, as the name suggests. Such a government is often seen as either a transitional government, an emergency government, or a combination of both to certain extents, depending on the situation.
If such a government is placed after the end of term of one government or political party’s rule to oversee elections and transition to the upcoming, elected party or government, the interim government acts as the transitional government.
In Bangladesh’s case, after the former Prime Minister resigned, the interim government assumed the role of a somewhat emergency government, given that most of the top-level ministers, parliament members, and government officials had absconded from their respective posts. At the same time, since the interim government is expecting to hold fair elections after restoring democratic order across the country, it is also playing the role of a transitional government.
